# Izibonelelo zokusebenzisa iGranite kwizixhobo ezichanekileyo
IGranite kudala yamkelwa njengento ephakamileyo ekwenzeni izixhobo ezichanekileyo, kwaye izibonelelo zayo zininzi. Eli litye lendalo, lenziwe kwi-magma elipholileyo, liqhayisa iipropathi ezahlukileyo ezenza ukuba kuthathelwe ukhetho olululo kwizicelo ezahlukeneyo.
Enye yezona zinto zibalulekileyo zokusebenzisa iGranite kwizixhobo ezichanekileyo kukuqina okukhethekileyo. IGranite yaziwa ngolwandiso olusezantsi lwe-thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of thermal of therm, okuthetha ukuba ayiphumi okanye ayikhuli kakhulu kuguquko lobushushu. Olu nzo luzinzo lubalulekile kwizicelo ezichanekileyo apho kuphambuka ngokutsha komntu unokukhokelela ekungachaneki. Izixhobo ezenziwe kwiGranite Gcina imilinganiselo yazo kunye nokuqina kwexesha, ukuqinisekisa ukusebenza okungaguqukiyo.
Olunye uNcedo olubalulekileyo lulukhuni lwendalo. Nge-mohs harddon iqhinga malunga ne-6 kuye kwi-7, igrantite ayichasanga ukunxiba kunye nokukrazula, iyenza ukuba ibe yinto efanelekileyo kumphezulu osetyenzisiweyo. Oku kuqhelekileyo kuguqulela kwisixhobo eside sobomi kunye neendleko zokulungisa ezincitshisiweyo, njengoko izixhobo zokulungisa zinokumelana neengqolowa zomatshini kunye nokulinganisa ngaphandle kokuphazamiseka.
I-Granite ikwabonelela ngeepropathi ezihamba ngokugqibeleleyo. Ngomatshini wokuchaneka, ii-vicketions zingakhokelela kwiimpazamo kwimilinganiselo kunye nokugqitywa komphezulu. Ubume obukhulu beGranite bumba ngokufezekileyo, ukubonelela ngeqonga elizinzileyo kwimisebenzi yomatshini. Olu phawu luphucula ukuchaneka kwemilinganiselo kwaye luphucula umgangatho ngokubanzi wemveliso egqityiweyo.
Ukongeza, iGranite ayinantlonelo kwaye ilula ukuyicoca, ebaluleke kakhulu ekugcineni imeko ye-STRLE kwi-ubunjineli echanekileyo. Umhlaba wayo ogudileyo uthintela ukuqokelelwa kothuli kunye nenkunkuma, ukuqinisekisa ukuba izixhobo zihlala zikwimeko efanelekileyo.
Ukuqukumbela, izibonelelo zokusebenzisa igrantite kwizixhobo ezichanekileyo zicacile. Uzinzo lwayo, ubukhali, ubuchule obuqhelekileyo bokutshitshiswa, kunye nokukhululeka kwesondlo kuyenza ibe yinto ebalulekileyo kwicandelo lobunjineli obuchanekileyo. Njengoko amashishini aqhubeka nokufuna ukuchaneka okuphezulu kunye nokuthembeka, i-granite ngokungathandabuzekiyo kuhlala kuhlala ithathe ukhetho olukhethiweyo kwizixhobo ezichanekileyo.
IXESHA LOKUQALA: I-OCT-22 ukuya ku-2424